Welcome To The Hideout Adult Social Group
“We Take Fun Very Seriously”

Board of Directors:
President:                      Margie Conlon      631 327-8850
1st Vice President        Larry Kiefhaber      917 589-4202
2nd Vice President       Nancy Kelly            570 698-7181
Treasurer                       Cathy Lowman     305 395-9900
Recording Secretary   Kathy Lubanski      (570) 630-6585
The Hideout Adult Social Group (H.A.S.G) was formed in January 1980.  For more than a third of a century the group has been providing an opportunity for members to meet and socialize with other members of the community.  Whether you are new to the Hideout or are fortunate enough to be an “established” resident, if you enjoy meeting new friends, socializing with old acquaintances, if you like to party and have fun, the H.A.S.G. is definitely for you. 
Typical events include dinner dances, picnics, luaus, local outings, social golf and anything else that you can think of that involves socializing, dining and just generally having a great time with wonderful friends, new and old.  New ideas are always enthusiastically welcomed.
Our Board of Directors consists of a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer.  Standing committees consist of Hospitality, Sunshine, Welcoming and Good Neighbors and Golf.  Special committees are formed to help with all scheduled events.  Members are always encouraged to join committees and chair events.
The H.A.S.G. meets the second Thursday of every month at 1pm in the Main Lodge unless otherwise informed.  Refreshments are always served.  Upcoming events are discussed, and pertinent matters are voted on by the membership.  There is a raffle drawing at each meeting: half the proceeds are distributed to local charities such as food pantries, volunteer fire departments and other worthy community needs – the other half is distributed to the lucky winners at each meeting.
We hope you will make many lasting friendships and enjoy being a member of the H.A.S.G. for many years to come. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of the Board. 

August 8th Meeting at 2 PM is moved to the OSC.
Halloween Party - 10/24/24 6pm - 10pm. Chairperson Karen Gliebe

Holiday Party - 12/5/24. 6pm - 10pm.
Please contact Margie Conlon if you are interested in chairing the Holiday Party

 MEETING SCHEDULE                                                                                                                          MEMBER INFO SHEET
Wade Preston Performance At The Main
June 13 2024 Meeting Minutes
July 11 2024 Meeting Minutes
August 8 2024 Meeting Minutes
Halloween Party October 24 2024